aoi | ||
bin | ||
changeDetection | ||
data | ||
visualization | ||
.dockerignore | ||
.gitignore | ||
crontab | ||
docker-compose.yml | ||
Dockerfile | ||
Dockerfile.monitoring | || | ||
requirements.txt |
Sentinel_fire 💣🔥🛰
Burned area detection on Sentinel 2 imagery for monitoring of conflict areas.
This project was developed in the scope of the study project "Monitoring Conflict Areas with Satellite Image Time Series" winter term 2018, at ifgi as the concluding assignment.
how to run it
This application is best started via docker / docker-compose.
If you want to run it natively instead, please follow the installation steps outlined in the Dockerfile
To install the application, run:
docker-compose build s2
Then, to start processing, run:
docker-compose run s2 bin/s2_pipeline <arguments>
Try --help
for an overview of available options.
argument | short | value | default | description |
--help | -h | - | - | show brief help |
--aoi | -a | geojson json file | - | area of interest as geojson polygon geometry. Required. |
--algorithm | - | dnbr|bais2 | dnbr and bais2 | select single algorithm. If not specified, dnbr AND bais2 will be run. |
--start | -s | YYYYMMDD|NOW-XDAYS | NOW |
start date |
end date |
--outdir | -o | directory | ./ |
path to output directory |
--cloudcoverage | -c | Number | 20 |
maximum percentage of allowed cloud coverage. |
--cleanup | - | - | - | remove intermediate results after processing, if flag is set |
All scripts are available under ./bin/
and will be called in order of appearance in table below. Change detection algorithms are located under ./changeDetection/
name | description |
Scripts | |
s2_pipeline | Main entrypoint for Sentinel_fire. Starts the whole pipeline. |
s2_query | Prepares the download. Searches matching tiles and skips download for already downloaded files. |
s2_download | Downloads satellite imagery from Copernicus Apihub. |
s2_preprocess | Preprocesses the images using sen2cor. |
s2_grouporbit | Groups orbits by date. Needed in case the aoi is located at the dateline. |
s2_clip | Stitches all images of a group and clips them to the aoi. |
s2_changedetection | Handles the options of the different change detection algorithms and calls them. |
s2_visualize | Creates html files displaying the computed images. |
Change Detection | |
dNBR | Computes the difference normalized burn ratio of two images. |
BAIS2 | Computes the BAIS2 of a single image. |
waterDetection | Removes water bodies from an image. |
Adding changeDetection scripts
- Add script file to
- Add script options to
Adding scripts to the pipeline
- Add script file to
(make sure to specify path to executable in first line) - Add script options to
at according processing step.
Contact Us
For any queries, difficulties in installation and/or usage please contact one of the team.
- Albert Hamzin
- Christopher Rohtermundt
- Jan Suleiman
- Jonathan Bahlmann
- Norwin
- Raoul Kanschat
- Yousef Qamaz