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from direction import D
from geohash import Geohash
class ZCurve(object):
Represents a position on a Z-Order Curve in 2D 0 - 1 / 2 - 3
EVENBITS = 0xaaaaaaaa # 0b10101010101010101010101010101010 (32 bit)
ODDBITS = 0x55555555 # 0b01010101010101010101010101010101 (32 bit)
z = 0
depth = 0
halfsplit = False
def __init__(self, z=0, depth=1, halfsplit=False):
`z` is the position on the z-order curve.
`depth` is the recursion depth of the curve.
A ZCurve can have `4**depth` elements
`halfsplit` indicates that this instance covers double the area on the X
axis (itself + neighbouring cell), due to an uneven number of splits
TODO: should we implement the halfsplit like this? we might run into uglyness
when calculating neighbours, children...
It's basically an depth offset for the X axis, so treat it numerically?
TODO: implement halfsplit for all the operators:
- [x] __str__
- [x] __eq__
- [ ] __gt__, lt, ge, le
- [ ] __add__
- [ ] __contains__
- [ ] parent
- [ ] children
- [ ] neighbours
- [ ] region
# shorthand to construct from bitstring
if type(z) == str:
_ = ZCurve.fromBitstring(z)
self.z = _.z
self.depth = _.depth
self.halfsplit = _.halfsplit
if z > 4 ** depth - 1:
raise ValueError('z-value %i does not exist on depth level %i' % (z, depth))
self.z = z
self.depth = depth
self.halfsplit = halfsplit
def fromXY(xy, depth):
Constructs a ZCurve instance from a x,y pair, where x,y are indices to
the moser-debruijn sequence, so z = debruijn[x] + 2*debruijn[y]
x, y = xy
if x >= 2 ** depth or y >= 2 ** depth:
raise ValueError('coordinate %s does not exist on depth level %i' % (xy, depth))
# interleave bits
z = 0
for i in range(32):
z |= (x & 1 << i) << i | (y & 1 << i) << (i + 1)
return ZCurve(z, depth)
def fromBitstring(bitstring):
# uneven number of bits means we have a halfsplit:
# set last split on X to 0, but we treat it as covering both 0 and 1
halfsplit = len(bitstring) % 2 != 0
if halfsplit:
bitstring += '0'
depth = int(len(bitstring) / 2)
z = int(bitstring, base=2)
return ZCurve(z, depth, halfsplit)
def fromLatLon(lat, lon, depth, halfsplit=False):
z = Geohash.encodePoint(lat, lon, depth * 2, Geohash.NUMERIC_MSB)
return ZCurve(z, depth, halfsplit)
def xy(self):
''' returns indices to the debruijn sequence
x = 0
y = 0
# de-interleave bits
for i in range(32):
if i % 2 == 0:
x |= (self.z & 1 << i) >> int(i / 2)
y |= (self.z & 1 << i) >> int(i / 2 + 1)
return x, y
def debruijn(self):
''' given indices to the moser-debuijn sequence, returns debruijn values
xDebruijn = self.z & self.ODDBITS
yDebruijn = self.z & self.EVENBITS
return xDebruijn, yDebruijn
def region(self, minXy=None, maxXy=None):
returns the covered region as `((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY))` tuple
scaled to the `minXy` and `maxXy` range
minXy = minXy or (-180, -90)
maxXy = maxXy or (180, 90)
if self.depth == 0:
return minXy, maxXy
x, y = self.xy()
numY = 2 ** self.depth
numX = numY / 2 if self.halfsplit else numY
rangeX = maxXy[0] - minXy[0]
rangeY = maxXy[1] - minXy[1]
minX = minXy[0] + x * rangeX / numX
minY = minXy[1] + y * rangeY / numY
maxX = minX + rangeX / numX
maxY = minY + rangeY / numY
return (minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)
def neighbours(self):
# adapted to 32bit
return {
D.NORTH: ZCurve((((self.z & self.EVENBITS) - 1 & self.EVENBITS) | (self.z & self.ODDBITS)) % 4 ** self.depth, self.depth),
D.SOUTH: ZCurve((((self.z | self.ODDBITS) + 1 & self.EVENBITS) | (self.z & self.ODDBITS)) % 4 ** self.depth, self.depth),
D.WEST: ZCurve((((self.z & self.ODDBITS) - 1 & self.ODDBITS) | (self.z & self.EVENBITS)) % 4 ** self.depth, self.depth),
D.EAST: ZCurve((((self.z | self.EVENBITS) + 1 & self.ODDBITS) | (self.z & self.EVENBITS)) % 4 ** self.depth, self.depth),
def parent(self, depthOffset=1):
''' returns the corresponding cell in the z-order curve of one less recursion
z = self.z >> (2 * depthOffset)
depth = max(0, self.depth - depthOffset)
return ZCurve(z, depth)
def children(self, depthOffset=1):
''' returns the corresponding cells in the z-order curve of deeper recurson
zBase = self.z << (2 * depthOffset)
numChildren = 4 ** depthOffset
return [ZCurve(z, self.depth + depthOffset) for z in range(zBase, zBase + numChildren)]
def __str__(self):
# encode as bitstring
res = ''
skipLsb = 1 if self.halfsplit else 0 # don't encode the last X-axis split
for i in range(skipLsb, self.depth * 2):
bit = (self.z & (1 << i)) >> i
res += str(bit)
return res[::-1] # reverse, MSB first
def __add__(self, other):
if other.depth != self.depth:
deeper = other if self.depth < other.depth else self
higher = self if self.depth < other.depth else other
return deeper + higher.children(deeper.depth - higher.depth)[0]
# adapted to 32bit
z = (
((self.z | self.EVENBITS) + (other.z & self.ODDBITS) & self.ODDBITS) |
((self.z | self.ODDBITS) + (other.z & self.EVENBITS) & self.EVENBITS)
) % 4 ** self.depth
return ZCurve(z, self.depth)
def __contains__(self, other):
if self.depth > other.depth:
return False
elif self.depth < other.depth:
# we're larger, but we need to check overlap
# TODO: self.halfsplit
return self == other.parent(other.depth - self.depth)
return self == other
def __lt__(self, other):
# compares the "area" that this instance covers
return self.depth > other.depth
def __gt__(self, other):
return self.depth < other.depth
def __le__(self, other):
return self.depth <= other.depth
def __ge__(self, other):
return self.depth >= other.depth
def __eq__(self, other):
return (
self.z == other.z and
self.depth == other.depth and
self.halfsplit == other.halfsplit
def ensureSameType(self, other):
if type(other) != ZCurve:
raise TypeError('cant compare ZCurve with %s', type(other))