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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from direction import D
class GridTopology(object):
# 2D topology, keeping track of neighbours and their keyspaces
keyspace = None
neighbours = {
D.NORTH: [], # tuples of ((ip, port), keyspace)
D.WEST: [],
D.SOUTH: [],
D.EAST: [],
def __init__(self, keyspace, neighbours=None):
self.keyspace = keyspace
# sort list of neighbours into each direction, if provided
if neighbours:
for n in neighbours:
self.addNeighbour(n[0], n[1])
def addNeighbour(self, address, keyspace):
midpoint = keyspace.midpoint()
direction = self.getDirection(midpoint)
if direction == D.LOCAL:
print ('can\'t add neighbour; keyspace overlaps (%s)' % keyspace.serialize())
ns = self.neighbours[direction]
# check overlap with existing neighbours. if overlapping, remove old neighbour.
for i, (addr, keysp) in enumerate(ns):
if midpoint in keysp:
print ('dropping old neighbour %s at %s' % (addr, keysp))
del ns[i]
# TODO: for robustness, we should check that neighbours are actually adjacent to our keyspace?
print ('adding neighbour %s in dir %s' % (address, direction))
ns.append((address, keyspace))
def getDirection(self, point):
# compare with self.keyspace
# if we're out of bounds both on x and y, we move on x first
# TODO: improve this logic by preferring larger nodes first, as they
# know more neighbours, reducing hops. also check neighbours keyspace,
# maybe they own the point!
minx, miny = self.keyspace.lower
maxx, maxy = self.keyspace.upper
x, y = point
if x < minx: return D.WEST
elif x > maxx: return D.EAST
elif y < miny: return D.SOUTH
elif y > maxy: return D.NORTH
else: return D.LOCAL # TODO: should we handle this case like that?
def getNeighbours(self, directions=None):
if not directions:
directions = D.cardinals
return [n for d in directions for n in self.neighbours[d]]
def clearNeighbours(self, directions=None):
if not directions:
directions = D.cardinals
for d in directions:
self.neighbours[d] = []
def getNeighbourForPoint(self, point):
# find best neighbour in respective direction list
direction = self.getDirection(point)
if direction == D.LOCAL:
raise Exception('we shouldnt end up here, point is in own keyspace')
neighbours = self.getNeighbours([direction])
if not neighbours:
# TODO: route in another direction for good luck?
raise Exception('no route to %s' % point)
x, y = point
bestNeighbour = (None, None)
minDiff = 999999999999
for address, keyspace in neighbours:
minx, miny = keyspace.lower
maxx, maxy = keyspace.upper
# finding the optimal neighbour on the other axis
if direction in [D.WEST, D.EAST]:
diff = abs(y - miny)
elif direction in [D.NORTH, D.SOUTH]:
diff = abs(x - minx)
if diff < minDiff:
minDiff = diff
bestNeighbour = (address, keyspace)
return bestNeighbour
def __str__(self):
# print ports of neigbours
return 'N: %s W: %s S: %s E: %s' % (
[n[0][1] for n in self.neighbours[D.NORTH]],
[n[0][1] for n in self.neighbours[D.WEST]],
[n[0][1] for n in self.neighbours[D.SOUTH]],
[n[0][1] for n in self.neighbours[D.EAST]],
def visualize(self):
# plot our view of the neighbours keyspaces.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # load dynamically to avoid slow startup
import matplotlib.patches as patches
def keyspaceToRect(ks, color='blue'):
width = ks.upper[0] - ks.lower[0]
height = ks.upper[1] - ks.lower[1]
return patches.Rectangle(ks.lower, width, height,
edgecolor='black', facecolor=color)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
for addr, keyspace in self.getNeighbours():
ax.annotate(str(addr), keyspace.midpoint(), color='w', weight='bold',
fontsize=6, ha='center', va='center')
ax.add_patch(keyspaceToRect(self.keyspace, 'red'))
ax.set_xlim((minx, maxx))
ax.set_ylim((miny, maxy))
return plt