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#include "ConcentricClock.h"
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace CClock {
ConcentricClock::ConcentricClock() {}
ConcentricClock::ConcentricClock(double radius, double thickness, double spacer, sf::Font* font) {
baseYear = currentTime.tm_year + 1900 - 2; //begin year ring 2 years before current year
//init labels
std::string label60[60];
std::string label31[31];
std::string label24[24];
std::string labelMonth[12] = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
std::string labelYear[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
std::string spacer;
if (i < 10) spacer = "0";
label60[i] = spacer + std::to_string(i);
if (i < 32 && i > 0) label31[i-1] = spacer + std::to_string(i);
if (i < 24) label24[i] = spacer + std::to_string(i);
if (i < 10) labelYear[i] = std::to_string(baseYear + i);
//init rings
secondRing = SegmentRing(radius + 6* thickness + 6* spacer, thickness, 3, 60, 4, ColorSchema::ALTERNATING, color1, color2, label60, font, 17);
minuteRing = SegmentRing(radius + 5* thickness + 5* spacer, thickness, 3, 60, 4, ColorSchema::UNI, color1, color1, label60, font, 19);
hourRing = SegmentRing(radius + 4* thickness + 4* spacer, thickness, 3, 24, 12, ColorSchema::HALF, color1, color2, label24, font, 21);
dayRing = SegmentRing(radius + 3* thickness + 2* spacer, thickness, 3, 31, 8, ColorSchema::UNI, color1, color1, label31, font, 24);
monthRing = SegmentRing(radius + 2* thickness + 1* spacer, thickness, 3, 12, 24, ColorSchema::ALTERNATING, color1, color2, labelMonth, font, 24);
yearRing = SegmentRing(radius + 1* thickness + 0* spacer, thickness, 3, 10, 24, ColorSchema::UNI, color1, color1, labelYear, font, 24);
//init time & ringpositions
//init pendulum
pendulum = CircularSector(radius + 6* thickness + 6* spacer, 6* thickness + 6* spacer, 20 * pi / 180, color2, 10);
pendulum.setRotation(-20 / 2);
void ConcentricClock::draw(sf::RenderTarget& target, sf::RenderStates states) const {
states.transform *= getTransform();
target.draw(pendulum, states);
target.draw(secondRing, states);
target.draw(minuteRing, states);
target.draw(hourRing, states);
target.draw(dayRing, states);
target.draw(monthRing, states);
target.draw(yearRing, states);
void ConcentricClock::update(double timeStep) {
//recalc Ringpositions every "recalcInterval" seconds
time_t rawtime;
if (localtime(&rawtime)->tm_sec % recalcInterval == 0 &&
difftime(rawtime, mktime(&currentTime)) > 0) {
secondRing.rotate(6 * timeStep); // > 6 to make the ring "tick"
minuteRing.rotate(3.3 * timeStep / 60);
pendulum.setRotation(40* sin(secondsAsDouble * pi) - 20 / 2);
secondsAsDouble += timeStep;
inline void ConcentricClock::updateTime() {
time_t rawtime;
currentTime = *localtime(&rawtime);
void ConcentricClock::calcRingPositions() {
double secPercentage = (float)currentTime.tm_sec / 60;
double minPercentage = (float)currentTime.tm_min / 60;
double hourPercentage = (float)currentTime.tm_hour / 24;
double dayPercentage = ((float)currentTime.tm_mday - 1) / 31;
double monthPercentage = (float)currentTime.tm_mon / 12;
double yearPercentage = ((1900 + (float)currentTime.tm_year) - baseYear) / 10;
secondRing.setRotation(360 * secPercentage);
minuteRing.setRotation(360 * (minPercentage + secPercentage / 60));
hourRing .setRotation(360 * (hourPercentage + minPercentage / 24));
dayRing .setRotation(360 * (dayPercentage + hourPercentage / 31));
monthRing .setRotation(360 * (monthPercentage + dayPercentage / 12 + hourPercentage / 31 / 12));
yearRing .setRotation(360 * (yearPercentage + monthPercentage / 10 + dayPercentage / 12 / 10));
if (currentTime.tm_sec % 2 == 0) {
std::cout << secondsAsDouble << " seconds.\n";
secondsAsDouble = 0; //to prevent too big numbers and minimize rounding errors
std::cout << currentTime.tm_sec << " seconds. calculated ringpositions.\n";