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26 lines
470 B

SET tooldir="tools"
SET ogr2ogr="%PROGRAMFILES%\QGIS 2.18\bin\ogr2ogr.exe"
SET sevenzip="%tooldir%\7z.exe"
IF NOT EXIST %ogr2ogr% (
echo QGIS 2.18 installation not found
exit /B 1
IF NOT EXIST %sevenzip% (
echo 7zip not found
exit /B 2
FOR %%G IN (*.gz) DO (
%sevenzip% -aoa e %%G
FOR %%G IN (*.xml) DO (
%ogr2ogr% alkis.gpkg -f GPKG -append -update -a_srs %tooldir%\25832.epsg %%G
del *.gfs *.xml