mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 23:24:29 +01:00
372 lines
12 KiB
372 lines
12 KiB
This file is part of snapcast
Copyright (C) 2014-2025 Johannes Pohl
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// prototype/interface header file
#include "airplay_stream.hpp"
// local headers
#include "common/aixlog.hpp"
#include "common/base64.h"
#include "common/snap_exception.hpp"
#include "common/utils/file_utils.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace streamreader
static constexpr auto LOG_TAG = "AirplayStream";
string hex2str(const string& input)
using byte = unsigned char;
unsigned long x = strtoul(input.c_str(), nullptr, 16);
byte a[] = {byte(x >> 24), byte(x >> 16), byte(x >> 8), byte(x), 0};
return string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(a));
} // namespace
* Expat is used in metadata parsing from Shairport-sync.
* Without HAS_EXPAT defined no parsing will occur.
AirplayStream::AirplayStream(PcmStream::Listener* pcmListener, boost::asio::io_context& ioc, const ServerSettings& server_settings, const StreamUri& uri)
: ProcessStream(pcmListener, ioc, server_settings, uri), port_(5000), pipe_open_timer_(ioc)
logStderr_ = true;
string devicename = uri_.getQuery("devicename", "Snapcast");
string password = uri_.getQuery("password", "");
params_wo_port_ = "\"--name=" + devicename + "\" --output=stdout --get-coverart";
if (!password.empty())
params_wo_port_ += " --password \"" + password + "\"";
if (!params_.empty())
params_wo_port_ += " " + params_;
port_ = cpt::stoul(uri_.getQuery("port", "5000"));
#ifdef HAS_EXPAT
metadata_dirty_ = false;
LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "Metadata support not enabled (HAS_EXPAT not defined)" << "\n";
#ifdef HAS_EXPAT
#ifdef HAS_EXPAT
int AirplayStream::parse(const string& line)
enum XML_Status result;
if ((result = XML_Parse(parser_, line.c_str(), line.length(), 0)) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
return result;
void AirplayStream::createParser()
parser_ = XML_ParserCreate("UTF-8");
XML_SetElementHandler(parser_, element_start, element_end);
XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser_, data);
XML_SetUserData(parser_, this);
// Make an outer element to keep parsing going
void AirplayStream::push()
// The metadata we collect consists of two parts:
// (2) COVER
// This stems from the Airplay protocol, which treats cover art differently from the rest of the metadata.
// The process for (1) is as follows:
// - The ssnc->mdst message is sent ("metadata start")
// - core->asal|asar|minm messages are sent
// - The ssnc->mden message is sent ("metadata end")
// This process can repeat multiple times *for the same song*, with *the same metadata*.
// The process for (2) is as follows:
// - The ssnc->pcst message is sent ("picture start")
// - The ssnc->PICT message is sent (picture contents)
// - The ssnc->pcen message is sent ("picture end")
// If no cover art is available, the PICT message's data has a length of 0 *or* none of the messages are sent.
// Here is an example from an older iPad:
// User plays song without cover art
// - empty cover art message (2)
// - empty cover art message (2)
// - metadata message (1)
// - metadata message (1)
// - metadata message (1)
// User selects next song without cover art
// - metadata message (1)
// - metadata message (1)
// User selects next song with cover art
// - metadata message (1)
// - metadata message (1)
// - cover art message (2)
// - metadata message (1)
// User selects next song with cover art
// - metadata message (1)
// - metadata message (1)
// - empty cover art message (2) (!)
// - metadata message (1)
// - cover art message (2)
// As can be seen, the order of metadata (1) and cover (2) messages is non-deterministic.
// That is why we call setMetadata() on both end of message (1) and (2).
string data = entry_->data;
// Do not base64 decode cover art
const bool is_cover = entry_->type == "ssnc" && entry_->code == "PICT";
if (!is_cover && entry_->isBase64 && entry_->length > 0)
data = base64_decode(data);
if (is_cover)
setMetaData(meta_.art_data, Metadata::ArtData{data, "jpg"});
// LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "Metadata type: " << entry_->type << " code: " << entry_->code << " data length: " << data.length() << "\n";
// LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "Metadata type: " << entry_->type << " code: " << entry_->code << " data: " << data << "\n";
if (entry_->type == "core" && entry_->code == "asal")
setMetaData(meta_.album, data);
else if (entry_->type == "core" && entry_->code == "asar")
setMetaData(meta_.artist, {data});
else if (entry_->type == "core" && entry_->code == "minm")
setMetaData(meta_.title, data);
// mden = metadata end, pcen == picture end
if (metadata_dirty_ && entry_->type == "ssnc" && (entry_->code == "mden" || entry_->code == "pcen"))
Properties properties;
properties.metadata = meta_;
metadata_dirty_ = false;
template <typename T>
void AirplayStream::setMetaData(std::optional<T>& meta_value, const T& value)
// Only overwrite metadata and set metadata_dirty_ if the metadata has changed.
// This avoids multiple unnecessary transmissions of the same metadata.
if (!meta_value.has_value() || (meta_value.value() != value))
meta_value = value;
metadata_dirty_ = true;
void AirplayStream::setParamsAndPipePathFromPort()
pipePath_ = "/tmp/shairmeta." + cpt::to_string(getpid()) + "." + cpt::to_string(port_);
params_ = params_wo_port_ + " \"--metadata-pipename=" + pipePath_ + "\" --port=" + cpt::to_string(port_);
void AirplayStream::connect()
void AirplayStream::disconnect()
// Shairpot-sync created but does not remove the pipe
if (utils::file::exists(pipePath_) && (remove(pipePath_.c_str()) != 0))
LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "Failed to remove metadata pipe \"" << pipePath_ << "\": " << errno << "\n";
void AirplayStream::pipeReadLine()
if (!pipe_fd_ || !pipe_fd_->is_open())
int fd = open(pipePath_.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
pipe_fd_ = std::make_unique<boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor>(strand_, fd);
LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "Metadata pipe opened: " << pipePath_ << "\n";
catch (const std::exception& e)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_TAG) << "Error opening metadata pipe, retrying in 500ms. Error: " << e.what() << "\n";
pipe_fd_ = nullptr;
wait(pipe_open_timer_, 500ms, [this] { pipeReadLine(); });
const std::string delimiter = "\n";
boost::asio::async_read_until(*pipe_fd_, streambuf_pipe_, delimiter, [this, delimiter](const std::error_code& ec, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
if (ec)
if ((ec.value() == boost::asio::error::eof) || (ec.value() == boost::asio::error::bad_descriptor))
// For some reason, EOF is returned until the first metadata is written to the pipe.
// If shairport-sync has not finished setting up the pipe, bad file descriptor is returned.
static constexpr auto retry_ms = 2500ms;
LOG(read_logseverity_, LOG_TAG) << "Waiting for metadata, retrying in " << retry_ms.count() << "ms\n";
read_logseverity_ = AixLog::Severity::debug;
wait(pipe_open_timer_, retry_ms, [this] { pipeReadLine(); });
LOG(ERROR, LOG_TAG) << "Error while reading from metadata pipe: " << ec.message() << "\n";
read_logseverity_ = AixLog::Severity::info;
// Extract up to the first delimiter.
std::string line{buffers_begin(streambuf_pipe_.data()), buffers_begin(streambuf_pipe_.data()) + bytes_transferred - delimiter.length()};
if (!line.empty())
if (line.back() == '\r')
line.resize(line.size() - 1);
#ifdef HAS_EXPAT
void AirplayStream::initExeAndPath(const string& filename)
path_ = "";
exe_ = findExe(filename);
if (!utils::file::exists(exe_) || (exe_ == "/"))
exe_ = findExe("shairport-sync");
if (!utils::file::exists(exe_))
throw SnapException("shairport-sync not found");
if (exe_.find('/') != string::npos)
path_ = exe_.substr(0, exe_.find_last_of('/') + 1);
exe_ = exe_.substr(exe_.find_last_of('/') + 1);
void AirplayStream::onStderrMsg(const std::string& line)
if (line.empty())
LOG(INFO, LOG_TAG) << "(" << getName() << ") " << line << "\n";
if (line.find("Is another instance of Shairport Sync running on this device") != string::npos)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_TAG) << "It seems there is another Shairport Sync runnig on port " << port_ << ", switching to port " << port_ + 1 << "\n";
else if (line.find("Invalid audio output specified") != string::npos)
LOG(ERROR, LOG_TAG) << "shairport sync compiled without stdout audio backend\n";
LOG(ERROR, LOG_TAG) << "build with: \"./configure --with-stdout --with-avahi --with-ssl=openssl --with-metadata\"\n";
#ifdef HAS_EXPAT
void XMLCALL AirplayStream::element_start(void* userdata, const char* element_name, const char** attr)
auto* self = static_cast<AirplayStream*>(userdata);
string name(element_name);
if (name == "item")
self->entry_.reset(new TageEntry);
for (int i = 0; attr[i] != nullptr; i += 2)
string name(attr[i]);
string value(attr[i + 1]);
if (name == "encoding")
self->entry_->isBase64 = (value == "base64"); // Quick & dirty..
void XMLCALL AirplayStream::element_end(void* userdata, const char* element_name)
auto* self = static_cast<AirplayStream*>(userdata);
string name(element_name);
if (name == "code")
else if (name == "type")
else if (name == "length")
self->entry_->length = strtoul(self->buf_.c_str(), nullptr, 10);
else if (name == "data")
self->entry_->data = self->buf_;
else if (name == "item")
else if (name == "metatags")
cout << "Unknown tag <" << name << ">\n";
void XMLCALL AirplayStream::data(void* userdata, const char* content, int length)
auto* self = static_cast<AirplayStream*>(userdata);
string value(content, static_cast<size_t>(length));
} // namespace streamreader