mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~psic4t/qcal
You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
306 lines
8.1 KiB
306 lines
8.1 KiB
package main
import (
// "log"
duration "github.com/channelmeter/iso8601duration"
var (
eventRRuleRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`RRULE:.*?\n`)
freqRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`FREQ=.*?;`)
eventSummaryRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`SUMMARY:.*?\n`)
eventFreqWeeklyRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY\n`)
eventFreqYearlyRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY\n`)
// unixtimestamp
const (
uts = "1136239445"
//ics date time format
// Y-m-d H:i:S time format
YmdHis = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
func trimField(field, cutset string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(cutset)
cutsetRem := re.ReplaceAllString(field, "")
return strings.TrimRight(cutsetRem, "\r\n")
func explodeEvent(eventData *string) (string, string) {
reEvent, _ := regexp.Compile(`(BEGIN:VEVENT(.*\n)*?END:VEVENT\r?\n)`)
Event := reEvent.FindString(*eventData)
calInfo := reEvent.ReplaceAllString(*eventData, "")
return Event, calInfo
func splitIcal(ical string) []string {
splits := regexp.MustCompile(`(BEGIN:VEVENT(.*\n)*?END:VEVENT\r?\n)`)
//reEvent, _ := regexp.Compile(`(BEGIN:VEVENT(.*\n)*?END:VEVENT\r?\n)`)
Events := splits.FindAllString(ical, -1)
/*for i := range Events {
return Events
func parseIcalName(eventData string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`X-WR-CALNAME:.*?\n`)
result := re.FindString(eventData)
return trimField(result, "X-WR-CALNAME:")
func parseTimeField(fieldName string, eventData string) (time.Time, string) {
reWholeDay, _ := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`%s;VALUE=DATE:.*?\n`, fieldName))
//re, _ := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`%s(;TZID=(.*?))?(;VALUE=DATE-TIME)?:(.*?)\n`, fieldName))
// correct regex: .+:(.+)$
re, _ := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`%s(;TZID=(.+))?(;VALUE=DATE-TIME)?:(.+?)\n`, fieldName))
//re, _ := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`%s(;TZID=(.*?))(;VALUE=DATE-TIME)?:(.*?)\n`, fieldName))
resultWholeDay := reWholeDay.FindString(eventData)
var t time.Time
var thisTime time.Time
//var thisTime time.Time
//var datetime time.Time
var tzID string
var format string
if resultWholeDay != "" {
// whole day event
modified := trimField(resultWholeDay, fmt.Sprintf("%s;VALUE=DATE:", fieldName))
t, _ = time.Parse(IcsFormatWholeDay, modified)
} else {
// event that has start hour and minute
result := re.FindStringSubmatch(eventData)
if result == nil || len(result) < 4 {
return t, tzID
tzID = result[2]
dt := strings.Trim(result[4], "\r") // trim these newlines!
if strings.HasSuffix(dt, "Z") {
// If string ends in 'Z', timezone is UTC
format = "20060102T150405Z"
thisTime, _ := time.Parse(format, dt)
t = thisTime.Local()
} else if tzID != "" {
format = "20060102T150405"
location, err := time.LoadLocation(tzID)
// if tzID not readable use configured timezone
if err != nil {
location, _ = time.LoadLocation(config.Timezone)
// timezone from defines gives CEST, which is not working with parseinlocation:
//location, _ = time.LoadLocation(timezone)
// set foreign timezone
thisTime, _ = time.ParseInLocation(format, dt, location)
// convert to local timezone
//t = time.In(myLocation)
t = thisTime.Local()
} else {
// Else, consider the timezone is local the parser
format = "20060102T150405"
t, _ = time.Parse(format, dt)
return t, tzID
func parseEventStart(eventData *string) (time.Time, string) {
return parseTimeField("DTSTART", *eventData)
func parseEventEnd(eventData *string) (time.Time, string) {
return parseTimeField("DTEND", *eventData)
func parseEventDuration(eventData *string) time.Duration {
reDuration, _ := regexp.Compile(`DURATION:.*?\n`)
result := reDuration.FindString(*eventData)
trimmed := trimField(result, "DURATION:")
parsedDuration, err := duration.FromString(trimmed)
var output time.Duration
if err == nil {
output = parsedDuration.ToDuration()
return output
func parseEventSummary(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`SUMMARY(?:;LANGUAGE=[a-zA-Z\-]+)?.*?\n`)
result := re.FindString(*eventData)
return trimField(result, `SUMMARY(?:;LANGUAGE=[a-zA-Z\-]+)?:`)
func parseEventDescription(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`DESCRIPTION:.*?\n(?:\s+.*?\n)*`)
resultA := re.FindAllString(*eventData, -1)
result := strings.Join(resultA, ", ")
result = strings.Replace(result, "\n ", "", -1)
result = strings.Replace(result, "\\N", "\n", -1)
//better := strings.Replace(re.FindString(result), "\n ", "", -1)
//better = strings.Replace(better, "\\n", " ", -1)
//better = strings.Replace(better, "\\", "", -1)
//return trimField(better, "DESCRIPTION:")
//return trimField(result, "DESCRIPTION:")
return trimField(strings.Replace(result, "\r\n ", "", -1), "DESCRIPTION:")
func parseEventLocation(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`LOCATION:.*?\n`)
result := re.FindString(*eventData)
return trimField(result, "LOCATION:")
func parseEventAttendees(eventData *string) []string {
//re, _ := regexp.Compile(`ATTENDEE;.*?\n`)
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`ATTENDEE;.+\"(.+?)\".*\n`)
attendeesstring := re.FindAllString(*eventData, -1)
var attendees []string
for i := range attendeesstring {
result := re.FindStringSubmatch(attendeesstring[i])
attendees = append(attendees, result[1])
//attendee := trimField(attendees[i], `ATTENDEE;.*\"`)
return attendees
func parseEventRRule(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`RRULE:.*?\n`)
result := re.FindString(*eventData)
return trimField(result, "RRULE:")
func parseEventFreq(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`FREQ=[^;]*(;){0,1}`)
result := re.FindString(parseEventRRule(eventData))
return trimField(result, `(FREQ=|;)`)
func parseEventUntil(eventData *string) string {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`UNTIL=(\d)*T(\d)*Z(;){0,1}`)
result := re.FindString(*eventData)
return trimField(result, `(UNTIL=|;)`)
func parseICalTimezone(eventData *string) time.Location {
re, _ := regexp.Compile(`X-WR-TIMEZONE:.*?\n`)
result := re.FindString(*eventData)
// parse the timezone result to time.Location
timezone := trimField(result, "X-WR-TIMEZONE:")
// create location instance
loc, err := time.LoadLocation(timezone)
// if fails with the timezone => go Local
if err != nil {
loc, _ = time.LoadLocation("UTC")
return *loc
func parseMain(eventData *string, elementsP *[]Event, href, color string) {
eventStart, tzId := parseEventStart(eventData)
eventEnd, tzId := parseEventEnd(eventData)
eventDuration := parseEventDuration(eventData)
eventUntil := parseEventUntil(eventData)
freq := parseEventFreq(eventData)
if eventEnd.Before(eventStart) {
eventEnd = eventStart.Add(eventDuration)
start, _ := time.Parse(IcsFormat, startDate)
end, _ := time.Parse(IcsFormat, endDate)
var years, days, months int
switch freq {
case "DAILY":
days = 1
months = 0
years = 0
case "WEEKLY":
days = 7
months = 0
years = 0
case "MONTHLY":
days = 0
months = 1
years = 0
case "YEARLY":
days = 0
months = 0
years = 1
for {
if inTimeSpan(start, end, eventStart) {
data := Event{
Href: href,
Color: color,
Start: eventStart,
End: eventEnd,
TZID: tzId,
Summary: parseEventSummary(eventData),
Description: parseEventDescription(eventData),
Location: parseEventLocation(eventData),
Attendees: parseEventAttendees(eventData),
*elementsP = append(*elementsP, data)
if freq == "" {
eventStart = eventStart.AddDate(years, months, days)
eventEnd = eventEnd.AddDate(years, months, days)
if eventStart.After(end) {
if eventUntil != "" {
until, _ := time.Parse(IcsFormatZ, eventUntil)
if until.Before(start) {