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synced 2025-02-22 14:54:09 +01:00
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158 lines
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* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <linux/if_ether.h>
#include <linux/if_packet.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/ipv6.h>
#include <linux/udp.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <netinet/ether.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
static uint8_t dest_mac[6] = {0x08, 0x11, 0x96, 0x91, 0xb6, 0xac};
/* static uint8_t dest_mac[6] = {0x00, 0x21, 0xcc, 0xbf, 0xe6, 0xae}; */
#define ETHER_TYPE 0x0800
/* #define DEFAULT_IF "enp0s25" */
#define DEFAULT_IF "wlp3s0"
#define BUF_SIZ 1024
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char sender[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
char receiver[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
int sockfd, ret;
int sockopt;
ssize_t numbytes;
struct ifreq ifopts; /* set promiscuous mode */
struct ifreq if_ip; /* get ip addr */
struct sockaddr_storage their_addr;
struct sockaddr_storage our_addr;
uint8_t buf[BUF_SIZ];
char ifName[IFNAMSIZ];
/* Get interface name */
if (argc > 1)
strcpy(ifName, argv[1]);
strcpy(ifName, DEFAULT_IF);
/* Header structures */
struct ether_header *eh = (struct ether_header *)buf;
struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)(buf + sizeof(struct ether_header));
struct udphdr *udph = (struct udphdr *)(buf + sizeof(struct iphdr) +
sizeof(struct ether_header));
memset(&if_ip, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq));
/* Open PF_PACKET socket, listening for EtherType ETHER_TYPE */
if ((sockfd = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL))) == -1) {
perror("listener: socket");
return -1;
/* Set interface to promiscuous mode - do we need to do this every time? */
strncpy(ifopts.ifr_name, ifName, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifopts);
ifopts.ifr_flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
ioctl(sockfd, SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifopts);
/* Allow the socket to be reused - incase connection is closed prematurely */
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &sockopt, sizeof sockopt) ==
-1) {
/* Bind to device */
if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE, ifName, IFNAMSIZ - 1) ==
-1) {
while (1) {
numbytes = recvfrom(sockfd, buf, BUF_SIZ, 0, NULL, NULL);
/* Check the packet is for me */
if (eh->ether_dhost[0] == dest_mac[0] &&
eh->ether_dhost[1] == dest_mac[1] &&
eh->ether_dhost[2] == dest_mac[2] &&
eh->ether_dhost[3] == dest_mac[3] &&
eh->ether_dhost[4] == dest_mac[4] &&
eh->ether_dhost[5] == dest_mac[5]) {
printf("listener: got packet %lu bytes\n", numbytes);
printf("Correct destination MAC address\n");
} else {
/* printf("Wrong destination MAC: %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x\n", */
/* eh->ether_dhost[0], */
/* eh->ether_dhost[1], */
/* eh->ether_dhost[2], */
/* eh->ether_dhost[3], */
/* eh->ether_dhost[4], */
/* eh->ether_dhost[5]); */
ret = -1;
if (iph->version == 4) {
/* Get source IP */
((struct sockaddr_in *)&their_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = iph->saddr;
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((struct sockaddr_in *)&their_addr)->sin_addr, sender,
sizeof sender);
/* Get dest IP */
((struct sockaddr_in *)&our_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr = iph->daddr;
inet_ntop(AF_INET, &((struct sockaddr_in *)&our_addr)->sin_addr, receiver,
sizeof receiver);
} else {
/* Get source IP */
memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&their_addr)->sin6_addr.s6_addr,
&((struct ipv6hdr *)iph)->saddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in *)&their_addr)->sin_addr,
sender, sizeof sender);
/* Get dest IP */
memcpy(&((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&our_addr)->sin6_addr.s6_addr,
&((struct ipv6hdr *)iph)->daddr, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)&our_addr)->sin6_addr,
receiver, sizeof receiver);
/* Look up my device IP addr if possible */
strncpy(if_ip.ifr_name, ifName, IFNAMSIZ - 1);
/* if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &if_ip) >= 0) { /\* if we can't check then
* don't *\/ */
printf("Source IP: %s\n My IP: %s\n", sender, receiver);
/* ignore if I sent it */
if (strcmp(sender,
inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)&if_ip.ifr_addr)->sin_addr)) ==
0) {
printf("but I sent it :(\n");
ret = -1;
/* } */
/* UDP payload length */
ret = ntohs(udph->len) - sizeof(struct udphdr);
/* Print packet */
/* printf("\tData:"); */
/* for (i=0; i<numbytes; i++) printf("%02x:", buf[i]); */
/* printf("\n"); */
return ret;