mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 07:24:00 +01:00
399 lines
10 KiB
399 lines
10 KiB
var html = require('bel')
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
var onload = require('on-load')
var boxIntersect = require('box-intersect')
var defined = require('defined')
var bboxToZoom = require('./bbox-to-zoom.js')
var zoomToBbox = require('./zoom-to-bbox.js')
var Draw = require('./draw.js')
var assign = require('./assign.js')
var idlecb = window.requestIdleCallback
|| function (f) { setTimeout(f,0) }
var css = require('sheetify')
var style = css`
:host {
-webkit-touch-callout: none;
-webkit-user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
-ms-user-select: none;
user-select: none;
module.exports = Map
function Map (rcom, opts) {
if (!(this instanceof Map)) return new Map(rcom, opts)
if (!opts) opts = {}
this._rcom = rcom
this.regl = rcom.regl
this._draw = []
this._layers = []
this._layerTiles = []
this._viewboxQueue = []
this._viewboxN = 0
this._pickInit = false
this._pickfbOptions = defined(opts.pickfb, {})
this.viewbox = opts.viewbox || [-180,-90,180,90]
this.backgroundColor = opts.backgroundColor || [1,1,1,1]
this._mouse = null
this._size = null
this.size = null
this.on('viewbox', this._onviewbox)
Map.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype)
Map.prototype._viewboxQueueClear = function () {
this._viewboxQueue = []
Map.prototype._viewboxEnqueue = function (fn) {
var self = this
var n = self._viewboxN
if (self._viewboxQueue.length === 1) next()
function next () {
if (n !== self._viewboxN) return
if (self._viewboxQueue.length === 0) return
self._viewboxQueue[0](function () {
if (n !== self._viewboxN) return
setTimeout(function () {
idlecb(function () {
if (n !== self._viewboxN) return
}, 50)
Map.prototype._onviewbox = function () {
var self = this
if (self._idle) return
self._idle = setTimeout(function () {
}, 100)
function ready () {
self._idle = null
var boxes = []
var x0 = Math.floor((self.viewbox[0]+180)/360)*360
var x1 = Math.floor((self.viewbox[2]+180)/360)*360
for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x += 360) {
self.viewbox[0]-x, self.viewbox[1],
self.viewbox[2]-x, self.viewbox[3] ])
var zoom = self.getZoom()
var pending = self._layers.length
function done () {
if (self._viewboxpending > 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
idlecb(function () {
self._viewboxpending = 0
}, 50)
} else {
self._viewboxpending = 0
for (var i = 0; i < self._layers.length; i++) (function (layer,tiles) {
layer.viewbox(self.viewbox, zoom, function (err, lboxes) {
if (err) {
if (--pending === 0) done()
return self.emit('error', err)
if (!lboxes) lboxes = []
var changed = false
var lkeys = Object.keys(lboxes)
var step = 10
var active = {}
for (var i = 0; i < lkeys.length; i+=step) (function (keys) {
self._viewboxEnqueue(function (cb) {
var values = keys.map(function (key) { return lboxes[key] })
boxIntersect(boxes, values, function (j, k) {
var key = keys[k], bbox = values[k]
active[key] = true
if (tiles[key]) return
tiles[key] = bbox
layer.add(key, bbox)
changed = true
self._viewboxEnqueue(function (cb) {
Object.keys(tiles).forEach(function (key) {
if (tiles[key] && !active[key]) {
layer.remove(key, tiles[key])
changed = true
tiles[key] = null
if (changed) self.draw()
if (--pending === 0) done()
Map.prototype.prop = function (name) {
return this.regl.prop(name)
Map.prototype.createDraw = function (opts) {
var self = this
if (!opts) throw new Error('must provide layer information to add()')
var drawOpts = assign({
frag: `
precision highp float;
void main () {
gl_FragColor = vec4(1,0,0,1);
vert: `
precision highp float;
attribute vec2 position;
varying vec2 vpos;
uniform vec4 viewbox;
uniform vec2 offset;
uniform float zindex, aspect;
void main () {
vec2 p = position + offset;
vpos = position;
gl_Position = vec4(
(p.x - viewbox.x) / (viewbox.z - viewbox.x) * 2.0 - 1.0,
((p.y - viewbox.y) / (viewbox.w - viewbox.y) * 2.0 - 1.0) * aspect,
1.0/(2.0+zindex), 1);
}, opts, {
uniforms: assign({
viewbox: self.prop('viewbox'),
zoom: self.prop('zoom'),
aspect: function (context) {
return context.viewportWidth / context.viewportHeight
zindex: 0,
offset: self.prop('offset')
}, opts.uniforms)
var draw = new Draw(drawOpts, {
regl: self.regl,
onremove: function () {
var ix = self._draw.indexOf(draw)
if (ix >= 0) self._draw.splice(ix,1)
return draw
Map.prototype.addLayer = function (opts) {
var self = this
if (!self._layerIdle) {
self._layerIdle = idlecb(function () {
self._layerIdle = null
Map.prototype._props = function () {
var x0 = Math.floor((this.viewbox[0]+180)/360)*360
var x1 = Math.floor((this.viewbox[2]+180)/360)*360
var props = []
var zoom = this.getZoom()
for (var x = x0; x <= x1; x+= 360) {
props.push({ viewbox: this.viewbox, zoom: zoom, offset: [x,0] })
return props
Map.prototype.draw = function () {
this.regl.clear({ color: this.backgroundColor, depth: true })
var props = this._props()
for (var i = 0; i < this._draw.length; i++) {
Map.prototype.pick = function (opts, cb) {
if (!opts) opts = {}
if (!cb) cb = function () {}
var self = this
var ex = defined(opts.offsetX, opts.x, 0)
var ey = defined(opts.offsetY, opts.y, 0)
var x = Math.max(0, Math.min(self._size[0]-1, ex))
var y = Math.max(0, Math.min(self._size[1]-1, self._size[1] - ey))
var first = false
if (!self._fb) {
self._fb = self.regl.framebuffer(self._pickfbOptions)
for (var i = 0; i < self._draw.length; i++) {
if (self._pickInit === false) {
self._pickInit = true
self._fb.resize(self._size[0], self._size[1])
self._fb.use(function () {
var props = self._props()
for (var i = 0; i < self._draw.length; i++) {
idlecb(function () {
self.pick(opts, cb)
idlecb(function () {
self._fb.resize(self._size[0], self._size[1])
color: [0,0,0,0],
depth: true,
framebuffer: self._fb
self._fb.use(function () {
var props = self._props()
for (var i = 0; i < self._draw.length; i++) {
var data = self.regl.read({
framebuffer: self._fb,
x: x,
y: y,
width: defined(opts.width, 1),
height: defined(opts.height, 1)
cb(null, data)
Map.prototype._setMouse = function (ev) {
var self = this
var x = ev.offsetX
var y = ev.offsetY
var b = ev.buttons & 1
if (!self._mouse) {
self._mouse = [0,0]
} else if (b && self._size) {
var aspect = self._size[0] / self._size[1]
(self._mouse[1]-y)/self._size[1] / aspect
self._mouse[0] = x
self._mouse[1] = y
Map.prototype.move = function (dx,dy) {
var self = this
var w = self.viewbox[2] - self.viewbox[0]
var h = self.viewbox[3] - self.viewbox[1]
self.viewbox[0] += dx*w
self.viewbox[1] -= dy*h
self.viewbox[2] += dx*w
self.viewbox[3] -= dy*h
self.emit('viewbox', self.viewbox)
Map.prototype.setViewbox = function (viewbox) {
var self = this
self.viewbox = viewbox
self.emit('viewbox', self.viewbox)
Map.prototype._fixbbox = function () {
if (this.viewbox[1] < -90) {
this.viewbox[3] += -90 - this.viewbox[1]
this.viewbox[1] = -90
if (this.viewbox[3] > 90) {
this.viewbox[1] += 90 - this.viewbox[3]
this.viewbox[3] = 90
Map.prototype.render = function (props) {
if (!props) props = {}
var self = this
var cstyle = `
width: ${props.width}px;
height: ${props.height}px;
if (!this._size) {
this._size = [0,0]
this.size = this._size
this._size[0] = props.width
this._size[1] = props.height
this._relement = this._rcom.render(props)
if (props.mouse === false) {
this.element = html`<div class=${style} style=${cstyle}>
} else {
this.element = html`<div class=${style} style=${cstyle}>
<div onmouseover=${move} onmouseout=${move}
onmousemove=${move} onmousedown=${move} onmouseup=${move}>
function () { self._load() },
function () { self._unload() })
return this.element
function move (ev) { self._setMouse(ev) }
Map.prototype.resize = function (width, height) {
this._size[0] = width
this._size[1] = height
this.element.style.width = width + 'px'
this.element.style.height = height + 'px'
var r = this._rcom.render({ width: width, height: height })
this._relement = r
this.emit('resize', width, height)
Map.prototype._load = function () {
if (this._unloaded) {
this._unloaded = false
for (var i = 0; i < this._draw.length; i++) {
Map.prototype._unload = function () {
this._unloaded = true
Map.prototype.getZoom = function () {
return bboxToZoom(this.viewbox)
Map.prototype.setZoom = function (n) {
zoomToBbox(this.viewbox, Math.max(Math.min(n,21),1))
this.emit('viewbox', this.viewbox)