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In `OpenStreetMap, relations <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation>`_ define logical or geographic relationships between other nodes, ways and relations.
The most common relation type is a multipolygon, but all other relations can be imported as well.
`Multipolygon relations <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:multipolygon>`_ are used to represent complex polygon geometries. They are also the only way to represent holes in polygons.
Multipolygon relations are automatically handled by Imposm for all ``polygon`` tables.
The following mapping::
type: polygon
building: [__any__]
Inserts closed ways if they have a ``building`` tag::
<way id="1001" version="1" timestamp="2011-11-11T00:11:11Z">
<nd ref="1001"/>
<nd ref="1001"/>
<tag k="building" v="yes"/>
It will also insert relations of the type ``multipolygon`` with a ``building`` tag::
<relation id="17101" version="1" timestamp="2011-11-11T00:11:11Z">
<member type="way" ref="17101" role="outer"/>
<member type="way" ref="17102" role="outer"/>
<tag k="type" v="multipolygon"/>
<tag k="building" v="yes"/>
The roles are ignored by Imposm as not all holes are correctly tagged as ``inner``. Imposm uses geometry operations to verify if a member of a multipolygon is a hole, or if it is a separate polygon.
Old-style multipolygon relations with tags on the outer way, instead of the relation are no longer supported.
Other relations
OpenStreetMap also uses relations to map more complex features. Some examples:
- `Administrative areas <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:boundary>`_ with boundaries, capitals and label positions.
- `Bus/tram/train routes <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:route>`_ with the route itself, stops and platforms.
- `3D buildings <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_3D_buildings>`_ with multiple parts that should not be computed as holes.
These relations can not be mapped to `simple` linestrings or polygons as they can contain a mix of different geometry types, or would result in invalid geometries (overlapping polygons).
The Imposm table types ``relation`` and ``relation_member`` allow you to import all relevant data for these relations.
The ``relation_member`` table type inserts each member of the relation as a separate row. The ``relation_member`` has access to the `role` and `type` value of each member. You can also import tags from the relation `and` from the member node, way or relation.
You can use the following mapping::
type: relation_member
- name: osm_id
type: id
- name: member
type: member_id
- name: index
type: member_index
- name: role
type: member_role
- name: type
type: member_type
- name: geometry
type: geometry
- name: relname
key: name
type: string
- name: name
key: name
type: string
from_member: true
- key: ref
name: ref
type: string
relation_types: [route]
route: [bus]
to import a bus relation with stops, a platform and the route itself::
<relation id="100901" version="1" timestamp="2015-06-02T04:13:19Z">
<member type="node" ref="100101" role="stop_entry_only"/>
<member type="node" ref="100102" role="stop"/>
<member type="way" ref="100511" role="platform"/>
<member type="node" ref="100103" role="stop_exit_only"/>
<member type="way" ref="100501" role=""/>
<member type="way" ref="100502" role=""/>
<member type="way" ref="100503" role=""/>
<tag k="name" v="Bus 301: A => B"/>
<tag k="network" v="ABC"/>
<tag k="ref" v="301"/>
<tag k="route" v="bus"/>
<tag k="type" v="route"/>
This will result in seven rows with the following columns:
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Column Description
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osm_id The ID of the relation. 100901 for all members.
member The ID of the member. 100101, 100102, etc.
index The index of the member. From 1 for 100101 to 7 for 100503. This can be used to query the bus stops in the correct order.
role The role of the member. ``stop``, ``platform``, etc.
type 0 for nodes, 1 for ways and 2 for other relations.
geometry The geometry of the member. Point for nodes and linestring for ways.
relname The value of the ``name`` tag of the relation. ``Bus 301: A => B`` in this case.
name The value of the ``name`` tag of the member element, if it has one. Note that the mapping contains ``from_member: true`` for this column.
ref The value of the ``ref`` tag of the relation. ``301`` in this case.
======== ======================================================================================================================================================
You can insert the tags of the relation in a separate ``relation`` table to avoid duplication and then use `joins` when querying the data.
Both ``osm_id`` and ``member_id`` columns are indexed in PostgreSQL by default to speed up these joins.
The ``relation`` table type inserts the mapped element regardless of the resulting geometry. For example, this allows you to create a table with the metadata (name, reference, operator, etc.) of all available route relations. The actual geometries need to be `joined` from the members.
The following mapping imports the bus route relation from above::
type: relation
- name: osm_id
type: id
- key: ref
name: ref
type: string
- name: network
key: network
type: string
relation_types: [route]
route: [bus]
This will create a single row with the mapped columns.
.. note:: ``relation`` tables do not support geometry columns. Use the geometries of the members, or use a ``polygon`` table if your relations contain multipolygons.