Yuri Astrakhan 191aefa0e7
docs: clarify fields vs columns (#219)
fields is still in the code, and I noticed at least OpenMapTiles project still uses it. Adding missing documentation.
2022-08-23 11:31:28 +02:00

514 lines
18 KiB

Data Mapping
The data mapping defines which `OSM feature types <>`_ should be imported in which table. The mapping is a YAML (or JSON) file.
See `example-mapping.yml <>`_ for an example.
.. note::
The `YAML format <>`_ uses indentations to indicate nesting. Tab characters are not allowed.
Quotes around simple strings are optional with YAML. ``"simple_string"``, ``'simple_string'`` and ``simple_string`` are all equal. However, numbers and boolean values (``yes``, ``no``, ``true``, ``false``) need to be quoted when they should be interpreted as a string (for example, when filtering ``building: ['no']``).
The most important part is the ``tables`` definition. Each table is a YAML object with the table name as the key. Each table has a ``type``, a mapping definition and ``columns``.
``type`` can be ``point``, ``linestring``, ``polygon``, ``geometry``, ``relation`` and ``relation_member``. ``geometry`` requires a special ``type_mappings``. :doc:`Relations are described in more detail here <relations>`.
``mapping`` defines which OSM key/values an element needs to have to be imported into this table. ``mapping`` is a YAML object with the OSM `key` as the object key and a list of all OSM `values` to be matched as the object value.
You can use ``__any__`` to match all values (e.g. ``amenity: [__any__]``). To match elements regardless of their tags use ``__any__: [__any__]``. You need to use :ref:`load_all<tags>` in this case so that Imposm has access to all tags.
To import all polygons with `tourism=zoo`, `natural=wood` or `natural=land` into the ``landusages`` table:
.. code-block:: yaml
:emphasize-lines: 4-6
type: polygon
natural: [wood, land]
tourism: [zoo]
``relation_types`` restricts which relation types should be imported. It is a list with `type` values, e.g. ``[route, master_route]``.
For tables of type ``relation`` and ``relation_member``: Only import relations which have this type value. You still need to have a mapping.
For tables of type ``polygon``: Only build multi-polygons for relations which have this type value. You still need to have a mapping. Defaults to ``[multipolygon, boundary, land_area]``.
.. code-block:: yaml
type: relation
relation_types: [route]
route: [bus]
``columns`` is a list of columns that Imposm should create for this table. Each column is a YAML object with a ``type`` and a ``name`` and optionally ``key``, ``args`` and ``from_member``. The legacy name of ``columns`` parameter is ``fields``, but it should not be used. If both ``columns`` and ``fields`` exist in the same mapping, ``fields`` will be used. Support for ``fields` will be removed in the future versions.
This is the name of the resulting column.
This defines the data type that Imposm should use for this column. There are two different classes of types. `Value types` are types that convert OSM tag values to a specific database type. Examples are ``string`` for street or place names, or ``bool`` for ``yes``, ``no``, ``true`` or ``false`` values.
`Element types` are types that dependent on the OSM element (node/way/relation). Examples are ``geometry`` for the geometry, ``mapping_key`` and ``mapping_value`` for the actual key and value that was mapped.
See :ref:`column_types` for documentation of all types.
``key`` defines the OSM `key` that should be used for this column. This is required for all `value types`.
Some column types require additional arguments. Refer to the documentation of the type.
``from_member`` is only valid for tables of the type ``relation_member``. If this is set to ``true``, then tags will be used from the member instead of the relation.
You can limit which elements should be inserted into a table with filters.
You can ``require`` specific tags or ``reject`` elements that have specific tags.
``require`` and ``reject`` accept keys and a list of values, similar to a ``mapping``. You can use ``__any__`` to require or reject all values (e.g. ``amenity: [__any__]``).
``require_regexp`` and ``reject_regexp`` can be used to filter values based on a regular expression. You can use the `Go Regex Tester <>`_ to test your regular expressions.
The following mapping only imports buildings with a `name` tag. Buildings with ``building=no`` or ``building=none`` or buildings with a non-numeric level are not imported.
.. code-block:: yaml
type: polygon
name: [__any__]
building: ['no', none]
level: '^\D+.*$'
building: [__any__]
.. note::
Regular expressions in ``require_regexp`` and ``reject_regexp`` should be enclosed in single quotes (``'``). Otherwise YAML will interpret backslashes as escape sequences.
.. note::
You can only filter tags that are referenced in the ``mapping`` or ``columns`` of any table. See :ref:`tags` on how to make additional tags available for filtering.
The mapping below will create a ``tracks`` table with the following columns:
- ``osm_id`` with the ID of the way
- ``the_geom`` with a `LineString` geometry
- ``street_name`` with the content of the OSM `name` tag
- ``is_bridge`` with a ``true`` value if the OSM `bridge` tag is `true`-ish (``1``, ``yes`` or ``true``), otherwise it will be ``false``
- ``highway_type`` with the OSM `value` that was matched by the ``mapping`` of this table. In this example one of ``path``, ``track``, or ``classified``.
.. code-block:: yaml
type: linestring
highway: [path, track, unclassified]
- {name: osm_id, type: id}
- {name: the_geom, type: geometry}
- {key: name, name: street_name, type: string}
- {key: bridge, name: is_bridge, type: bool}
- {name: highway_type, type: mapping_value}
An OSM element is only inserted once even if a mapping matches multiple tags. Sometime it's convenient to have a geometry multiple times, e.g. a way with ``rail=tram`` and ``highway=secondary``.
``mappings`` allows to define multiple sub-mappings. Each sub-mapping requires a name and a separate mapping dictionary. The elements will be inserted into the table for each match of a sub-mapping.
.. code-block:: yaml
:emphasize-lines: 4-10
type: linestring
rail: [__any__]
highway: [__any__]
A ``table`` with a ``type`` of ``geomery`` can contain different geometry types, such as points, linestrings, and/or polygons.
The ``type_mappings`` provides separate mapping for the required geometries types.
.. code-block:: yaml
:emphasize-lines: 11-21
- name: osm_id
type: id
- name: geometry
type: geometry
- name: tags
type: hstore_tags
type: geometry
amenity: [__any__]
poi: [__any__]
shop: [__any__]
highway: [__any__]
landuse: [__any__]
poi: [__any__]
shop: [__any__]
.. _column_types:
Column types
Value types
Convert ``true``, ``yes`` and ``1`` values to ``true``, otherwise use ``false``.
Same as ``bool`` but stores a numeric ``1`` for ``true`` values, and ``0`` otherwise.
The value as-is. Note that missing values will be inserted as an empty string and not as ``null``. This allows SQL queries like ``column NOT IN ('a', 'b')``.
Convert ``true``, ``yes`` and ``1`` to the numeric ``1``, ``-1`` values to ``-1`` and other values to ``0``. This is useful for oneways where a -1 signals that a oneway goes in the opposite direction of the geometry.
Convert values to an integer number. Other values will not be inserted. Useful for ``admin_levels`` for example.
Enumerates a list of values and stores tag values as an integer.
The following `enum` column will contain ``1`` for ``landuse=forest``, ``4`` for ``landuse=grass`` and ``0`` for undefined values.
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: enum
type: enumerate
key: landuse
- forest
- park
- cemetery
- grass
``mapping_value`` will be used when ``key`` is not set or ``null``.
Calculate the z-order of an OSM highway or railway. Returns a numeric value that represents the importance of a way where ``motorway`` is the most important (9), and ``path`` or ``track`` are least important (0). ``bridge`` and ``tunnel`` will modify the value by -10/+10. ``layer`` will be multiplied by ten and added to the value. E.g. ``highway=motorway``, ``bridge=yes`` and ``layer=2`` will return 39 (9+10+2*10).
You can define your own ordering by adding a list of ``ranks``. The z-order value will be the index in the list (starting with 1). ``bridge``, ``tunnel``, and ``layer`` will modify the value by the number of items in the ``ranks`` list, instead of 10.
Use ``default`` to set the default rank.
- name: zorder
type: wayzorder
default: 5
- footway
- path
- residential
- primary
- motorway
A ``motorway`` will have a ``zorder`` value of 5, a ``residential`` with ``bridge=yes`` will be 8 (3+5).
Stores a number depending on a value, similar to ``enumerate``. However, ``categorize`` allows you to explicitly configure the number for each value, multiple values can have the same number and it can search in multiple keys. You can use this to implement a scale rank for sorting elements depending on their relative importance.
- args:
default: 0
values: {
FR: 10, NL: 8, LU: 3,
- country_code_iso3166_1_alpha_2
- ISO3166-1:alpha2
- ISO3166-1
name: scalerank
type: categorize_int
``geojson_intersects`` and ``geojson_intersects_field``
Checks whether the geometry of the element intersects geometries from a provided GeoJSON file. ``geojson_intersects`` returns true if it intersects any geometry. ``geojson_intersects_field`` returns a string property of the intersected feature.
- args:
geojson: special_interest_areas.geojson
name: in_special_interest_area
type: geojson_intersects
- args:
geojson: special_interest_areas.geojson
property: area
name: special_interest_area_name
type: geojson_intersects_field
Element types
The ID of the OSM node, way or relation. Relation IDs are negated (-1234 for ID 1234) to prevent collisions with way IDs.
The OSM `key` that was matched by this table mapping (`highway`, `building`, `nature`, `landuse`, etc.).
.. note:: Imposm will choose the first key of the table mapping if an OSM element has multiple tags that match.
For example: `mapping_key` will use `natural` for an OSM element with `landuse=forest` and `natural=wood` tags, if `natural` comes before `landuse` in the table mapping. You need to define an explicit column if you need the value of a specific tag (e.g. `{"type": "string", "name": "landuse", "key": "landuse"}`).
The OSM `value` that was matched by this table mapping (`primary`, `secondary`, `yes`, `forest`, etc.).
.. note:: The note of ``mapping_key`` above applies to ``mapping_values`` as well.
The geometry of the OSM element.
Like `geometry`, but the geometries will be validated and repaired when this table is used as a source for a generalized table. Must only be used for `polygon` tables.
Area of polygon geometries in the unit of the selected projection (m² or degrees²). Note that the area is only accurate at the equator for EPSG:4326 and EPSG:3857 and gets off the more the geometry moves to the poles. It's still good enough to sort features by area for rendering purposes.
Area of polygon geometries in m². This field only works for the webmercator projection (EPSG:3857). The latitude of the geometry is considered when calculating the area. `This area is not precise`. Polygons lower than 70° latitude should have a ``webmerc_area`` within ±20% of the true size. However, long polygons like a runway can exhibit a much larger error.
Stores tags in an `hstore` column. Requires the `PostgreSQL hstore extension <>`_. You can select tags with the ``include`` option, otherwise all tags will be inserted.
In any case, ``hstore_tags`` will only insert tags that are referenced in the ``mapping`` or ``columns`` of any table. See :ref:`tags` on how to make additional tags available for import.
.. "string_suffixreplace": {"string_suffixreplace", "string", nil, MakeSuffixReplace},
Element types for ``relation_member``
The following types are only valid for tables of the type ``relation_member``.
The OSM ID of the relation member.
The type of the relation member. 0 for nodes, 1 for ways and 2 for relations.
The role of the relation member as a string, e.g. `outer`, `stop`, etc.
The index of the member in the relation, starting from 0. E.g. the first member is 0, second member is 1, etc.
This can be used to query bus stops of a route relation in the right order.
Generalized Tables
Generalized tables allow you to create a copy of an imported table with simplified/generalized geometries. You can use these generalized tables for rendering low map scales, where a high spatial resolution is not required.
Each generalize table is a YAML object with the new table name as the key. Each generalize table has a ``source`` and a ``tolerance`` and optionally an ``sql_filter``.
``source`` is the table name of another Imposm table from the same mapping file. You can also reference another generalized table, to create multiple generalizations of the same data.
``tolerance`` is the `resolution` used for the Douglas-Peucker simplification. It has the same unit as the import `-srid`, i.e. meters for EPSG:3857 and degrees for EPSG:4326. Imposm uses `PostGIS ST_SimplifyPreserveTopology <>`_.
The optional ``sql_filter`` can be used to limit the rows that will be generalized. You can use it to drop geometries that are to small for the target map scale.
.. code-block:: yaml
source: waterareas
sql_filter: ST_Area(geometry)>50000.000000
tolerance: 50.0
.. _tags:
Imposm caches only tags that are required for a ``mapping`` or for any ``columns``. This keeps the cache small as it does not store any tags that are not required for the import. You can change this if you want to import other tags, e.g with the ``hstore_tags`` column type.
Add ``load_all`` to the ``tags`` object inside your mapping file. You can still exclude tags with the ``exclude`` option. ``exclude`` supports a simple shell file name pattern matching. ``exclude`` has only effect when ``load_all`` is enabled.
Alternatively you can list all tags that you want to include with the ``include`` option. ``include`` does not support pattern matching and it has no effect when ``load_all`` is used.
To load all tags except ``created_by``, ``source``, and ``tiger:county``, ``tiger:tlid``, ``tiger:upload_uuid``, etc:
.. code-block:: yaml
load_all: true,
exclude: [created_by, source, "tiger:*"]
To load specific data about amenities for inclusion into an `hstore_tags` column:
.. code-block:: yaml
include: [operator, opening_hours, wheelchair, website, phone, cuisine]
.. _Areas:
A closed way is way where the first and last nodes are identical. These closed ways are used to represent elements like building, forest or park polygons, but they can also represent linear (non-polygon) features, like a roundabout or a race track.
OpenStreetMap uses the `area <>`_ tag to specify if a closed way is an area (polygon) or a linear feature (linestring). For example ``highway=pedestrian, area=yes`` is a polygon feature.
By default, Imposm inserts all closed ways into polygon tables as long as ``area`` is not ``no`` and linestring tables will contain all closed ways as long as the ``area`` is not ``yes``.
However, the ``area`` tag is missing from most OSM elements, as buildings, landuse, etc. should be interpreted as ``area=yes`` by default and highways for example are ``area=no`` by default.
You can configure these default interpretations with the ``areas`` option.
.. code-block:: yaml
area_tags: [building, landuse, leisure, natural, aeroway]
linear_tags: [highway, barrier]
With this ``areas`` configuration, ``highway`` elements are only inserted into polygon tables if there is an ``area=yes`` tag. ``aeroway`` elements are only inserted into linestring tables if there is an ``area=no`` tag.