
111 lines
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#' Animate a data cube as an image time series
#' This function can animate data cube time series as mp4 videos or animated GIFs.
#' Depending on the desired output format, either the \code{av} or the \code{gifski}
#' package is needed to create mp4 and GIF animations respectively.
#' @param x a data cube proxy object (class cube)
#' @param ... parameters passed to plot.cube
#' @param fps frames per second of the animation
#' @param loop how many iterations, TRUE = infinite
#' @param width width (in pixels) of the animation
#' @param height height (in pixels) of the animation
#' @param save_as character path where the animation shall be stored, must end with ".mp4" or ".gif"
#' @param preview logical; preview the animation
#' @return character; path pointing to the the created file
#' @details
#' Animations can be created for single band data cubes or RGB plots of multi-band data cubes (by providing the argument rgb) only.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.cube}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' if (!file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"))) {
#' L8_files <- list.files(system.file("L8NY18", package = "gdalcubes"),
#' ".TIF", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
#' create_image_collection(L8_files, "L8_L1TP", file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"), quiet = TRUE)
#' }
#' L8.col = image_collection(file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"))
#' v = cube_view(extent=list(left=388941.2, right=766552.4,
#' bottom=4345299, top=4744931, t0="2018-04", t1="2018-06"),
#' srs="EPSG:32618", nx = 497, ny=526, dt="P16D")
#' animate(select_bands(raster_cube(L8.col, v), c("B02", "B03", "B04")), rgb=3:1,
#' zlim=c(0,20000), fps=1, loop=1)
#' animate(select_bands(raster_cube(L8.col, v), c("B05")), col=terrain.colors, key.pos=1)
#' }
#' @export
animate <- function(x,
fps = 1,
loop = TRUE,
width = 800,
height = 800,
save_as = tempfile(fileext = ".gif"),
preview = interactive())
if(is.null(save_as) && !plot) {
stop("nothing to do, please set either plot = TRUE or save_as to a filename")
size = c(nbands(x), size(x))
if(size[2] == 1) {
stop("nothing to animate; cube has only one time slice")
additional_args = list(...)
if (is.null(additional_args$rgb) && size[1] > 1) {
stop("animate works only for RGB plots, or single band data cubes")
if (endsWith(tolower(save_as), ".gif")) {
if (!requireNamespace("gifski", quietly = TRUE))
stop("gifski package not found, please install first")
else if (endsWith(tolower(save_as), ".mp4")) {
if (!requireNamespace("av", quietly = TRUE))
stop("av package not found, please install first")
else {
stop("unknown output format, please use mp4 or gif")
fname_start = tempfile()
png(filename = paste(fname_start, "_%04d.png", sep=""), width=width, height=height)
for (i in 1:size[2]) {
args = additional_args
args$t = i
args$x = x"plot.cube", args=args)
}}, finally = {})
imgs = list.files(dirname(fname_start), pattern = paste(basename(fname_start), ".*\\.png" , sep=""), full.names = TRUE)
if (TO_GIF) {
out_file = ifelse(is.null(save_as), tempfile(fileext = ".gif"), save_as)
animation = gifski::gifski(imgs, gif_file = out_file, width = width, height = height, delay = 1/fps, loop = loop, progress = TRUE)
else {
out_file = ifelse(is.null(save_as), tempfile(fileext = ".mp4"), save_as)
width = width + (width %% 2)
height = height + (height %% 2)
animation = av::av_encode_video(imgs, output = out_file, framerate = fps)
if (preview)